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Officially Graduated : What's Next After University?

After 4 years of striving in university, I finally ended my long journey and has officially signed off from Petra Christian University.

(Dang, I looked so happy in the picture)

Unlike what I originally thought, my graduation day felt so dull for me. I remembered the time I went to the stage and received my diploma. After the graduation ceremony ended, I took many pictures with my friends. To some of us, that day might be our last day meeting each other properly as the whole batch. Some people move to another city, making it harder for us to meet each other casually.

But, frankly, everything feels pretty dull. Once I went back home, I rinsed off my make up, and finally took a rest. Days afterwards, I still felt the same thing. Emptiness. I looked at my two awards from my university, the Cum Laude and Aktif Bepresentasi tube. It's so funny to see how I used to be so crazy in my university days only to achieve them. I worked hard to raise my GPA, not to mention that I also applied in many committee event and competitions to get the Aktif Berprestasi title.

Now that I got them, I realized that those tube means nothing at all.

People might say that I'm ungrateful towards what I have, and truthfully speaking, if I say this to my younger self, she will definitely be mad with me. Graduated with 2 awards (+ double degree) mean lots of things for me when I was 18 years old. I achieved what I originally wanted. I remember the days when I was studying in my room until late at night, and all those days are finally paid off.

But, the question that I'm trying to solve right now is, what comes next after university?

What comes next after achieving those tubes?

I haven't got any job offers yet and all I did was staying at home all day long. Every time I take a look at social media, I realized that my friends have already move forward. Working in many big companies. Making their own money. And, then, there's me who still have no idea about what should be done after university.

Life is so confusing after you graduated from university and school. We are so used with the idea of being trapped into a system for our whole life, and now that we're free, we have no idea about what should we do, and no idea about what should be done with the freedom that we have right now. We have the choice to choose what can we do, but since there are too many options, it is hard to choose which one is the correct path.

So, in conclusion, what comes next after university?

To be honest, I have no idea.

But even if I don't have the answer now, I don't mind.

I'm just gonna keep enjoying life. And focus on achieving my goals at the moment.

I just hope I can find the answers as soon as possible.

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